Korean Peninsula in a glimpse (한반도)

Volunteering in Korea – IWO workcamp Week 2

On the second week we left Big Tree Centre and moved to Yeongwol Centre.We also organised some cultural activities but this time was for teenagers and young adults.

I have recorded some exciting moments 🙂

Rafting – we were surrounded by big mountains and kept going ahead for an hour, then a a short break up the beach. Finally we were all swimming near the destination. There were a few moments we faced torrents but it was not too bad and actually it added a bit of fun.

For the details of the first week, please visit here.

yeongwol rafting

I wish I had some more photos but it’s unwise to bring my own camera while rafting and swimming.


Games, including traditional Korean games

paper scissors stone

An advanced version of paper scissors stone

pine cone game

This game set is easy to make yet difficult to play. I can never manage to throw the pine cone into the cup!


International carnival and party

international dishes

Scrumptious dishes made by our master chef

dominoes 1

Our attempts to link all our dominoes from different groups. It was a partial success but we have tried our best appearently


Enter a caption


An amazing trip nearby to visit “Korea Peninsula”

Korean Peninsula in a glimpse (한반도)

Korean Peninsula in a glimpse (한반도)


Hanbok (Korean costume) wearing , Korean tea tasting and tea tray making. Teaware museum website please visit here.

korean tea tray

We used glues to adhere cardboard and printed paper to make elegant classic tea tray

korean tea 1

Colourful tea- to be designed for different people according to the season they were born. I got the blue one which is for the winter born people.

blue tea

Note: this isn’t blueberry tea but rather taste like veggies

korean costume

Great experience to try Hanbok at the museum

Korea Teaware Museum at Yeongwol

Korea Teaware Museum at Yeongwol


Volunteers’ leisure time


Some more beer and fried food for us


Last but not least, some more pics of tasty food, our home and beautiful surroundings

We had lots of ice cream as treats from our host and also the principal in Big Tree Centre. Also, I feel sorry when I see this pictures again as I have a craving for them now…

We built our tent inside the hall and lived in the government centre,  located right next to the city centre and main river. We dropped by the cinema and saw an exhibition showing Korean movies at different eras. Some of them like JSA are really classic.

I am looking forward to another volunteer trip and a visit again to Korea 🙂


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